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Monday, June 20, 2011

“Finding the Most Effective Weight loss Pills


Curbing excess fat and becoming slim is a common desire of every individual. In fact, for accomplishing this task, they are always on the look out for various products such as weight loss pills or medicines.

Many diseases are related to obesity or overweight such as diabetes and heart problems, so it is essential to eradicate that extra fats in your body. You can safeguard yourself from these diseases by effective weight loss pills. There are many weight loss pills available in the market, so it may be troublesome for you to find the best pill among them.

Due to the growing demands, many manufacturers are coming up with such pills. It is obvious that everyone desires to get the best pill, but since there are many fake pills out there in the market, you need to be careful while choosing one. You need to ensure that the weight loss pill that you select is capable of solving your problem of weight loss in an efficient manner and without altering the overall metabolism of your body.

You need to be wary of fake pills, because they give false claims of weight loss and extract large amount of money from you, but the result is null and void. It is essential for you to purchase effective pills, because fake pills can cause severe side effects to the functioning of your body.

You can easily find the most effective weight loss pills on the Internet too. Therefore, it is advisable to spend some quality time for surfing on the Internet for acquiring some valuable information about these pills.

You need to go through the effects and features of every pill, because it may help you know more about the weight loss pills and you can make a rational decision. You can read articles and reviews of these pills, because they can provide you with considerable amount of information.

It is essential for you to understand that not all the pills have side effects. However, you can go through the ingredients of the pills before making the final decision. Many manufacturers that use natural ingredients for manufacturing these pills, so always go for such pills, as they are free from side effects.

You need to make intensive check before finalizing the deal. You can find these pills on their official websites. There are many products available on the Internet, so if you make an intensive research, then you can certainly come across the most effective weight loss pills.

You need not depend on pills alone. Ensure that you have a healthy diet, which has all the essential ingredients required to stay fit. Exercising on a regular basis along with the intake of these weight loss pills will help you achieve the best results.

There is no need to be in hurry while looking for such pills. However, you need to be patient and ensure that you only choose the most effective weight loss pills for assured results.

“Diet Pills That Really Work in Reducing Your Weight

Dieting is not the only sure shot way for reducing weight. Instead, body needs proper nutrients to function smoothly. A balanced diet is no doubt excellent for healthy body, but if the food is consumed in an excessive amount, then it turns out to be harmful for the body, because the extra fats get accumulated in the body thus, resulting in obesity.

It is quite understood that obesity needs to be reduced from one’s body. For this purpose, the market is flooded with a wide range of diet pills. These diet pills assist the person to shed weight. Different pills have different chemical properties and they help in reducing weight accordingly.

However, all the drugs and pills used as supplements for reducing weight or any kind of artificial treatment have some or the other ill effects that should be considered before purchasing the diet pills. Certainly, these diet pills show great results, but you need to make sure that you choose the best ones.

Some diet pills available in the market help in suppressing the cravings for food. This helps the person to consume less food. Another variety of diet pills facilitates to increase the pace of metabolism in the body. Whereas, there are some diet pills, which are useful in removing the extra calories that again augments body weight.

You need be cautious while selecting the diet pills and ensure that the pills are medically approved. Internet will give you detailed information on all the superior quality diet pills with the side effects and the practical experience of those, who have consumed the diet pills.

A thorough knowledge of the chemical composition in these diet pills is also necessary for people, who are looking further to consume them. For instance, some diet pills hold back the urge of having food, as they give you an internal sensation that even if you think you are not done with your diet, you will not eat a lot. The disadvantages of these pills are high chances of heart blockages and chokes.

The cost of such pills is also high. They are usually meant for obese people. Using regular dose of these diet pills for losing weight will help reduce the person’s weight. These diet pills are not available over-the-counter, as you need a doctor’s prescription.

Another category of diet pills is available easily with the medical stores. These pills are very effective for women, who are overweight. They do not require any kind of prescription and are affordable as well.

The reason for offering these pills at reasonable rates is they have less dosage. In obese people, calories are congested instead of burning extra fats everyday. Regular workouts and a balanced diet along with the intake of these pills help to reduce weight more easily.

Many diet pills are effective and promise what they claim. It is still better if you take a proper decision before selecting the best quality diet pills that can give you prolific outcomes. Do not be in a hurry to reduce weight quickly.

“How to Choose the Best Slimming Pills


Choosing the best slimming pills is a tough decision. Because of all the different pills being offered in the market these days, it’s hard to make a decision easily. There are those pills tagged as all natural, those that specialize in organ cleansing, fruit based, for body building, and so much more.

You have all the benefits to evaluate, special targets, and other gains from the pill which you are looking for. Of course, you still have to evaluate the possible side effects and know which ones will be potentially dangerous for you.

Choosing the Best Slimming Pills
Of course, you as a user will eventually have to make a decision as to what slimming pill you will take. And yes, it is a hard and confusing decision to make. However, here are some tips to help you on that quest for searching the best slimming pills.
    - Always choose the natural slimming products. These days, when you’ve got the option to go all natural, take it. With all the free radicals and contaminants in the world today, it would do you good if your diet pill didn’t have to be made of chemical and artificially created substances. - Watch out for counterfeit diet pills. There are so many scammers these days and you don’t want to fall into the trap of buying counterfeit diet pills. Not only will they not give you the results you want, they can also lead to some serious side effects. Plus, it would not be good for you to spend a lot of money on products that won’t do you any good. - Look for products are medically proven, tested, and backed up. These days, it’s common to subject all of these dietary supplements to rigorous and strict standards. When choosing the best slimming pills, always look for medical evidence that will back up the claims of these diet pills. Do your research and make your decision from there. - Always look for products with a full refund guarantee. These days, if a company offers you a full money back guarantee, that would be a good sign. You want to get the best value for your money, so take a product that allows you to return it in case you are not satisfied with the results. This is also a good sign, meaning the manufacturers of these products can back up their claims.

Choosing the best slimming pills isn’t easy. You have to do your research and make a wise decision based on the medical proof, consumer reviews, and other things you can read and research about. However, take a little time to make your decision carefully. After all, you will be the only one to benefit from the best slimming pills that you choose.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Play safe with weight loss supplements

The perfectly shaped body is fancied by increasing number of people. More and more weight loss supplements have entered the fray to lure the customers. People believe that the supplements can make them slim overnight .Is their belief a myth or reality? Find out.This article covers
  • Are Weight Loss Supplements Safe?
  • What Is Prescription Pills?
  • Some of the common weight loss supplements
With more and more individuals facing the problem of being overweight/obese, and finding it hard to counter the social stigma attached to being fat, the popularity of weight loss supplements has soared over the past few years. Weight loss supplements are pills or herbs, or any other type of medicines which claim to help individuals lose weight. Such types of over-the-counter (OTC) weight loss dietary supplements are extremely popular with people who are looking for a magical solution to their weight problems. However, what most people are not aware of is the fact that these diet weight loss supplements may not exactly be safe, and can actually cause more harm to the body in the long term. As also, most patients should consult their doctors before picking up some weight loss supplement over-the-counter. In most cases, one would find that doctors discourage the usage of such weight loss dietary supplements as more often than not, the supplements do not work. you can get wu-yi tea review for weight loss

Today, there are more than 125 combination weight loss supplements available on the market, along with over 50 individual dietary supplements. However, none of these meet the criteria established by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) or the medical community for recommended use. While with some products, there have been results of slight weight loss, however, the potential side effects of these strong weight loss supplements tend to overshadow the weight loss effect. While certain products are banned for usage, they can still be found at several drug stores. For example, the supplement Chromium is a popular weight-loss supplement, though the drug's efficiency and long-term side effects are uncertain. Other products claiming to be the 'best weight loss supplement' like chitosan and guar gum have been proven to be ineffective. These products are best avoided as the side effects could prove to be fatal.

There are also many herbal weight loss supplements available on the market today of which there are either conflicting or insufficient evidence regarding their efficiency. Some of these products include ginseng, ephedrine or ephedra, conjugated linoleic acid, guarana, green tea, glucomannan, l-carnitine, pyruvate, hydroxycitric acid, and St. John's Wort. These supplements are generally known as 'fat burners' and they work by boosting the body's metabolism. In these cases, doctors have often prescribed patients these weight loss supplements, though their progress is monitored closely. However, herbal weight loss supplements are discouraged strongly by the FDA due to the lack of labeling of ingredients on these products, and due to the drastic increase in blood pressure and heart problems arising from the use of such supplements.

Continued use of Ephedra, for example, increases the risks for autonomic, psychiatric, gastrointestinal, and cardiovascular symptoms in an individual. It also givers rise to diseases such as arrhythmias, hypertension, stroke, myocardial infarction, and in extreme cases, seizures.Overall, there are basically two types of weight loss pills. These are either prescription pills or non-prescription pills.

Healthy Foods That Help Burn Fat

Healthy Foods That Help Burn Fat
Have you woken up one morning realizing you are overweight and as hard as you try, you can't recall how you came to this state? You can't seem to track it back to any particular event or series of events, because its something that over years from eating poorly and leading sedentary lives. Because this is something that has built up over many years, its also something that won't go away over night.

Fortunately the reverse is true if you were to start eating healthy and getting some regular exercise. The situation is not out of your hands yet.

Anyone who wants to lose weight needs to watch their intake of food. It's important to eat healthy, because you are what you eat.

If you are going to watch what you eat, you need to focus on the key foods that will not only promote fat loss but are also helpful for your good health.

When you make the decision to start eating healthier, its better not to quit cold turkey as this can be a very stressful change, and stress isn't good for us. So start by making a few changes at a time, replacing some of the junk foods with the foods below slowly.

Soy Protein

As omnivores, we eat both plant and animal, and from these food sources we get protein. Protein is vital in building and repairing our bodily tissues (Muscles and Organs). Because many of the animal based proteins carry some unnecessary fats (some fats are good, and some are bad), and through the growing, feeding and slaughtering process may come in contact with chemicals or biologicals that we do not want, there is a growing push for the tiny but powerful soy bean. The soy bean is a complete protein which is not that common for plants or vegetables, and its protein is not as high quality as the whey or animal proteins, it comes about as close to a magic weight loss pill as we can get.

Proteins require a great deal of calories just to digest so by eating a clean light source of protein such as soy we are gaining a double benefit.

Whole Grains

You have a whole grain when you have bran, germ and endosperm present. Whole grains are a great source of key nutrients. They are one of the top sources of vitamin B, E, iron, magnesium and fibre.

Here is a list of some good whole grain foods...

Whole Wheat
Wild Rice
Brown Rice
Whole Oats
Whole Rye
Popcorn (no salt or butter)

Not only do whole grains provide the benefit of decreasing the chance for heart disease, and the potential for blood clots, they are also good for fat loss.

The Grapefruit

You may remember the grapefruit diet, its remarkable fat loss properties being attributed to crazy and mythological qualities of the grapefruit, well crazy as all that sounds...the grapefruit is a great fat loss food, but for more realistic reasons.

The grapefruit has been shown to reduce insulin levels in the body by a very small amount, and this means that you will store less sugar as fat, not to mention lower insulin levels lower your appetite.

The grapefruit is also a highly fibrous food and low in calories and it actually takes more calories to digest it than there exist in the fruit itself. As a result the grapefruit is a great food to add to your morning breakfast or any meal.


Water rich fruits like apples contain pectin and this can limit how much fat your cells will absorb. There are other benefits to apples and small berries as they contain considerable antioxidants and are just plain good for you. The age old saying. “An apple a day...”

Be careful not to go overboard with fruits, however as they contain a high amount of high-glycemic index sugars or simple sugars, and this can cause some undesirable spikes in insulin levels.

Green Tea

Green tea has been shown to increase your metabolism on a daily basis as high as 4%, and having this as part of your regular diet can only help with your fat loss goals. If you do not have the decaffeinated version of the tea you have the added benefit of caffeine in your tea (though its levels are less than coffee).


There is a hormone in our body known as leptin that has the function of choosing whether or not your body will store the calories you consumed as fat or whether is uses them for fuel, and studies show that lowering the level of this hormone in your body aid in fat loss, or at least in the prevention of fat gain.

Eating fish lowers your leptin levels.

Research has shown that groups that frequently eat fish in their daily diet have leptin levels nearly 5 times lower than those that mostly live off of veggies.


Remember you are what you eat, so eat healthy!

Running training for any distance

How to prepare for any distance on just three runs per week

Running training for any distanceWell it’s April already and those of you planning to do a race this month, such as the London marathon, might have realised there is not much time left. If you’ve not started training properly yet, it isn’t quite panic stations, but it isn’t far off! If you’re planning something a little later in the year then get training now so you can enjoy your big challenge.

The perfect preparation for a marathon in June is to do a 20 mile training run every week in May plus three other runs per week! This is pretty daunting, especially if you’re still wheezing after one lap round the block. However follow my simple training plan and you’ll get round any distance from 5km to marathon even if you have to walk a little on longer races.

The plan involves three training runs each week, one long, one short and one middle distance. If you’re doing a marathon aim for one extra middle distance run each week to make four training sessions. The long run should start with you going out for an hour (or 45 mins for races up to 10km) and adding five minutes to this each week. Aim to jog slowly and don’t worry about how far you go or if you need to take walking breaks, just get used to spending longer periods on your feet.

The middle distance run should be a distance you can run non-stop, but the speed is unimportant. For a marathon this should peak at 8-10 miles, but you may start at as little as 3-4 miles or a couple of miles for shorter races. If you find you can’t jog 3 miles non-stop then a marathon may be a little ambitious unless it is more than 12 weeks away. Aim to add half a mile to this run each week, or if marathon training to one of your two middle distance runs each week, alternating which one you add the half mile to.

Short runs should be interval training and involve running 1km (one mile for marathon runners) as fast as you can sustain, followed by three minutes of gentle jogging/walking to recover. Repeat this until you have run three repetitions of 1km quickly. Every two weeks add one fast repetition up to a maximum of six. This session is hard work, but it helps you run faster and cope with the physical exertion of race. It is also a good idea to make sure you have a day off training after this session.

The plan will help you get round if all goes well, but if it doesn’t, you need to be sensible. If you pick up an injury or a virus and your race is in April, then it’s wise to skip the race and find something later in the year. If you’re running the London Marathon they even encourage you to defer until next year if you’re unwell because running a marathon when under-prepared or ill is dangerous. Make sure you ease off training for two weeks before a marathon and a week for other distances so your body recovers and is ready for the big day. This will help you to run your best and most importantly enjoy it.

If you have longer to prepare, follow the plan but stop increasing distances and just aim to run faster once your long run reaches ¾ of race distance, your middle-distance runs are two-thirds and you can manage six fast repetitions. This training schedule has helped lots of my clients succeed from 5km to marathons and from ‘just getting round’ to ‘keeping up with the Kenyans’ performances!
At Home Fitness 2011

Importance of Supplements and Maintaining Vision Health

Importance of Supplements and Maintaining Vision HealthWhat's the biggest health fear facing Americans today? According to a survey done by the American Foundation for the Blind, most Americans fear loss of vision even above the fear of getting cancer, heart disease, diabetes, HIV or any other life-threatening health problem. The national poll revealed that age-related blindness or low vision is the topmost fear because it incapacitates people from living a normal life and increases dependency levels.

Apparently, this fear is real and is the major factor driving the growth of the vision health supplement industry. Over the years, the sale of vision health supplements has grown dramatically, largely supported by America's teeming population of senior citizens.

A report in the November 2009 issue of U.S. Eye Health Ingredients, interest in vision health nutritional supplements is backed by America's rapidly rising aging population. Americans over 65 are particularly affected by common eye diseases such as age-related macular degeneration, glaucoma, cataracts and diabetic retinopathy Statistics from the Administration of Aging show that by the year 2030, 20 percent of the American population, will be over 62. Next year the oldest baby boomers will turn 65. This is indeed, a brimming consumer market for vision health supplement manufacturers.

Nutritional Supplements - an Increasingly Popular Consumer Option

The importance of supplements has been gaining unprecedented interest since 1994 when the Dietary Supplement Health & Education Act (DHEA) allowed nutritional supplement labels to describe specific health benefits to ingredients in nutritional products. Since then, the industry has been providing targeted nutrients which address key health conditions meeting the needs of a wide body of consumers looking for natural solutions. The recent regulations to the dietary supplement industry have served to re-enforce high quality standards and thus boost the respectable image of nutritional supplements. Consumer usage of nutritional supplements is expected to rise as research widens and validates the efficacy of certain nutrients and herbs for specific health conditions.

Nutrients and Herbs Addressing Vision Health

Various herbs, vitamins, minerals and other nutrients have been intensively researched for their role in supporting vision health, especially age-related macular degeneration, glaucoma, cataract, night blindness and low vision. Herbs and nutrients have also been identified to address issues such as dry eyes and eye fatigue. Eye fatigue is often caused by modern living which involves long hours in front of visual display terminals.

According to the American Optometric Association (AOA), vital nutrients essential for supporting vision health are lutein, zeaxanthin, essential fatty acids, zinc, Vitamin C and Vitamin E. Other important nutrients and herbs include Vitamin A, Vitamin B2, selenium, copper, N-Acetyl Cysteine, astaxanthin bilberry extract, eyebright and lycopene.

According to Frost & Sullivan, opportunities in the American market are open for eye health nutrients such as zeaxanthin, bilberry extracts, lutein, beta-carotene and astaxanthin. Analysts predict the nutrient, lutein, to grow at a volume of 6 per cent. Zeaxanthin is predicted to have a 9 percent growth rate.

Vision health supplements can be manufactured in various delivery forms such as tablets, capsules, softgels, liquids, powders and also include homeopathic eye drops.

Vision Health Supplements – Growing Market

According to Functional Ingredients, the US eye health ingredients market was worth $138 million n 2008, and is predicted to grow annually at the rate of 5 percent. The CAGR from 2008 to 2015 is forecast at 5.3 percent.

The National Eye Institute estimates that there are 3.3 million Americans who are 40 years or older suffering from low vision or blindness. These numbers are expected to increase to 5.5 million in 2020 as more baby boomers reach the ranks of senior citizenship.

Nutritional supplements are fasting gaining consumer trust. Combined with the expanding population of aging baby boomers the nutritional vision health market is certainly at the threshold of burgeoning expansion and growth.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

5 ways to boost your metabolism and achieve a healthier weight loss 

Unhealthily eating habits and a sedentary lifestyle are two of the leading reasons for obesity, recent studies have revealed. Yet by simply switching to a healthier lifestyle, you can ensure that your metabolism stays revved up and more importantly that you lose those dreaded excess pounds.
You see, your metabolism plays more of a pivotal part to your weight than you can imagine. In control of the rate at which your body uses up energy when you are not active, your basal metabolic rate can be the difference weight gain or permanent, natural weight loss.
Luckily, you can now easily take control of your metabolism and experience the natural weight loss you crave without having to go on a diet or starve yourself.
All you need do is apply any one of the following 5 tips to your daily routine:
  • 1. Eat 5 to 6 small's meals throughout the day:
    Swap your 2 to 3 big meals a day, for smaller meals consisting of 300 calories. By ensuring within these meals that you consume a decent amount of complex carbohydrates (which can be found in grains, vegetables and fruits), you can keep your metabolism active throughout the day. Even more excitingly, by eating regularly you can resist the temptation to snack on sugary, high fat foods.
  • 2. Start your day with a healthy breakfast:
    Skipping breakfast is the worst thing you can do to your metabolism. If you force your body to wait for more than 16 hours for a meal, your body begins to believe you are starving and goes into starvation mode. And this is not good. Once in starvation mode your body then begins to store whatever food you eat, whilst going into energy saving mode - meaning your body is taking on weight without trying to burn it.
  • 3. Exercise:
    Altering your diet can only do so much to help your metabolism. To really succeed in achieving healthy weight loss you need to introduce exercise into your daily lifestyle. Try incorporating some aerobic activities such as running, walking, swimming or cycling into your day before you have breakfast. This will enable your body to burn off fat before you then throw in some stomach crunches and weights to speed up your metabolism.
  • 4. Get active:
    Exercise is not the only way to give your metabolism a jump start. Simply moving around throughout the day can make a difference. Try taking the stairs instead of the lift or going for a quick 5-10 minute walk on your lunch break. This will not only speed up your metabolism, but will keep you feeling refreshed.
  • 5. Take control of your drinking:
    We all know that alcohol is neither healthy for us nor good for our metabolism, so if you are genuinely looking for an instant way to get your metabolic rate back on track, try to cut down on your alcohol intake or completely cut it out of your life altogether. Not only will this reduce your calorie intake, but by then increasing your water intake too you can help your body to function more efficiently.

Natural Ways to Lose Weight

It would be an understatement to say that we are living in an era of fast foods take-outs, ready made meals and dishes filled with preservatives and additives. We are a nation always on the go and as a consequence our eating habits have been dramatically altered.
However, it doesn't have to be this way.
You can escape becoming a part of the growing statistic of obese people, and offer your body a natural route to losing weight healthily and safely.
  • 1. Make a list
    Successful weight loss involves more than changing your dietary habits. You need to find a balance in your mind, body and soul. So pause for a moment and make a list of everything that is preventing you from enjoying your life.

    If you suffer from fatigue, memory loss or depression for example, this could be a sign that you are suffering from a vitamin B deficiency, which in turn could be hindering your weight loss.
  • 2. What have you eaten?
    It is easy to be tempted by quick fix meals, but by eating natural, fresh foods every day you can prevent weight gain.

    Give this routine a try and begin feeling the difference of natural weight loss, increased energy levels and the desire to exercise:

    - Drink 6-8 glasses of water every day
    - Swap sugary snacks for a piece of fruit
    - Eat smaller portions: 5 to 6 300 calorie meals a day
    - Chew slower
    - Use natural sweeteners instead of sugar
    - Ensure you receive plenty of sleep
    - Cleanse your body of toxins
  • 3. Exercise
    One of the easiest ways to improve your quality of life and experience lasting weight loss is to exercise.

    Yet it is important to remember that everyone is different. Just because your friend can walk 10 miles a day, does not mean you will be able to do so immediately. You need to exercise at your own fitness levels and gradually build up your routines at a pace that is right for you.

    Try starting with a 10 minute walk every day, before slowly building up to 45 minutes. As you exercise more, you will be able to challenge your body further and increase your weight loss successes.

    Other good methods include riding a bike, going swimming or doing cardio/strength building exercises. Just remember to make sure that you do routines that interest you. If you enjoy it, you will stay motivated towards doing them every day.
  • 4. Slimming Pills
    Whilst the market may be saturated with many synthetic slimming pills, you can offer your body slimming pills naturally formulated using organic ingredients.

    Clinically proven to suppress your appetite, reduce your fat consumption by 20%+ and decrease food cravings, slimming pills can offer you the support you need to take your first step to weight loss

Quick Fat Loss – Strategies You Must Try!

When it comes to losing weight you’ll hear a variety of tips telling how to experience the fat loss you crave. From cutting your carbohydrate content down, to eating more fibre to exercising regularly – these kind of tips are constantly circulating within the weight loss community.
Yet the truth of the matter is they work! By making such changes to your diet and watching what you put in your mouth, you can take control your fat loss and do so at a pace that is right for you.

How can I lose weight?

Achieving the fat loss results you want can easily be achieved without having to starve yourself. In fact such actions can actually make it even harder for you to shift those lbs.
The trick is to make sure you incorporate the following tips:
  1. Lower your carbohydrate intake – these include eating such foods as bread, noodles, pasta and potatoes.
  2. Increase your fibre intake – fibre is a great way to help you feel fuller for longer. Harder to digest, this slow process of digestion ensures you feel less hungry and your cravings stop.
  3. Eat more fruit and vegetables – enriched in fibres apples, cucumber, prunes and watermelon can help to up your fibre content whilst provide you with a number of other nutrients.
  4. Exercise – exercise combined with the right diet can help to increase your metabolic rate and fat loss, as more excess fats will be burned in a shorter amount of time.
  5. Slimming pills – if you are looking to speed up your fat loss, then natural slimming pills could be the solution you are looking for. Proven to curb your appetite and boost your metabolic rate, they can be the perfect weight loss aid.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

LA Rapid Results Diet System

Weight Loss and a Lot More!

Congratulations! You’re ready to lose weight! The LA Rapid Results Diet System provides you with ALL the essentials to successfully lose weight. It’s much more than a diet program. It’s a proven system that has helped millions of people lose weight quickly without giving up foods they enjoy. It is the most effective way to lose weight, not your lifestyle.
The LA Rapid Results Diet System includes:

* LA Rapid Results Diet System – this complete diet system provides you with all the tools you need to get on a fast track for rapid results:
o A Two-part LA Weight Loss Menu Plan System – you will lose your first 20 pounds quickly with the LA Rapid Results Food Guide and then transition to the LA My Way Food Guide which includes expanded options.
o The Free to Live™ Lifestyle Guide provides advanced strategies and tips on all dimensions of eating, weight loss, nutrition, meal planning, healthy eating habits, metabolism, keeping active, positive thinking, dining out and enjoying vacations and special events.
o A Simple Approach for choosing foods to construct a healthy, balanced diet which will help you lose weight quickly and safely.
o Flexible Meal Combos specifically designed to support your metabolism and incorporate LA Lites™ to help control your hunger.
o Straightforward Instructions for exactly what to do each day.
* LA Lite Bars™ – choose YOUR favorite flavors.
* LA TakeOFF™ Juice – the perfect meal on-the-go.
* LA Right Portions™ Plate -to help you quickly and easily keep track of correct portion sizes.
* Online Weight Loss Tools and Support - tracking your progress, fast, simple and convenient. Maximum motivation at your fingertips!

All the elements you need for a total weight loss program at one affordable price, delivered direct to your door.